The New Moon in Aquarius Brings the New Year, Fresh-Start Energy You’ve Been Waiting For—Here’s What To Expect for Your Sign

Photo: Getty Images/The Good Brigade
We're already a few weeks into 2023, but with the new moon in Aquarius—happening January 21 at 3:53 p.m., ET—we'll finally receive the inspiration, innovation, and dedication we wished we had on January 1. This year started off with both Mercury and Mars stationed retrograde, making it difficult to stick with any new initiatives we hoped to bring to fruition in the New Year. But, the new moon in Aquarius lends us the divine opportunity to begin again.

Aquarius is a fixed air sign that’s ruled by strict and serious Saturn, and this new moon brings up topics related to our community, boundaries, our sense of belonging, and progress. As the last visible planet in the sky, Saturn is associated with limits and boundaries. Aquarius is intimately aware of what lies beyond the limits and status quo. It’s always an aligned time to use your voice and speak up for systems and acts of injustice, and may also be a time to reconnect with the power of your words. Aquarius is concerned with progress and innovation, and isn’t afraid to push outside its comfort zone. So this new moon supports you in going ahead and taking a risk. Consider how you might use your position and privilege in the world to leave a lasting impact.

The new moon in Aquarius also has us reflecting on our social circle: Do we feel seen, welcomed, and a part of something larger than ourselves? It's an aligned time to connect with others and engage in some teamwork. If you’ve been feeling under-appreciated by some people in your network, you may also use this cosmic push to set stronger boundaries and protect your time and energy.

This new moon in Aquarius mingles with Jupiter, which is currently traveling through trailblazing Aries, emboldening us to move forward toward our goals and dreams.

This new moon in Aquarius mingles with Jupiter—a planet of expansion, luck, and optimism—which is currently traveling through trailblazing Aries. This sweet planetary meetup boosts our self-confidence and emboldens us to move forward toward our goals and dreams without hesitation. If you’re doing manifestation work under this lunation, Jupiter’s presence adds a little extra luck to bring your desires to fruition. The sun and moon will also gently connect with action-oriented Mars, encouraging steps toward making our dreams come true.

Keep in mind that this will be the final new moon in Aquarius that’s ruled by Saturn until 2050. Saturn is at home in the sign of Aquarius and is better able to help us access its resources when it moves through this sign. Suffice it to say, this isn’t a new moon to sleep on. It’s certainly here to help us build something meaningful and lasting in our lives. During the time of the new moon, Saturn, the planet in charge of this new moon, will be sharing a seat in the sky with Venus, who is also in Aquarius. This sweet union of planets flavors the energy of the day and the lunation, bringing support to whatever goals we are working toward.

Read on for your rising, sun, and moon signs for more insight on how this new moon in Aquarius will affect your zodiac sign and birth chart.

How the new moon in Aquarius will affect your sign


Your dreams are so much closer than you think, Aries. The new moon in Aquarius illuminates your 11th house of community, allies, hopes, and dreams. Given its connection with Jupiter in your sign of Aries, good news is on its way to you. Now is an aligned time to network and prioritize socializing. You never know who will believe in you and your ambitions. What groups do you belong to and which do you wish you belonged to? Put yourself out there and don’t be afraid to engage in some teamwork along the way—you don’t have to do everything solo!

Your new moon self-care practice: Sign up for a new group! Whether it’s volunteering, a dance class, or an online course, spending time with people who share similar interests and hobbies will feel inspiring and exciting.


Recognition is on its way, Taurus! The new moon lands in your 10th house of accomplishments, public reputation, and career. Behind the scenes, some very influential people may be conspiring in your favor. This could mark a new, exciting season of life–whether that’s a new job, relationship, or desire that’s being born from within. If you’ve been working hard toward a milestone, this new moon may coincide with its achievement and a new chapter in your life. Be present and sink into your gratitude. You’ve worked hard for this.

Your new moon self-care practice: Think back to 10 years ago—did you ever think you’d be where you are now? Feel into the miracles that took place on the way to get you to this point. You have so much to be grateful for.


You’ve been going through it, Gemini. With Mars retrograde in your sign for the past several months, frustrations, delays, and setbacks likely feel like a new normal. This new moon in Aquarius brings some levity and optimism for the future as it moves through your ninth house of perspective, travel, education, and sharing your ideas. The lunation reminds you that life is a learning experience, and you’re ready to soak it up and take some risks. You may finally receive some support or encouraging news. Be bold.

Your new moon self-care practice: It’s time to do something new—anything! Take a new route to work, go to a different grocery store, read a new genre of books. Your mind is curious and ready to soak up something novel.


It’s time to make amends, Cancer. The new moon activates the eighth house of your psyche, shadow, the past, and healing. Releasing old stories about yourself or choosing to better understand past decisions you’ve made can help you transform and shake parts of your past that have been guiding your decisions and how you show up in the world. This is a healing time and also a time to embrace the power of intimacy. Sharing with others and accepting support now can lead to breakthroughs, especially in your career.

Your new moon self-care practice: Make a list of ways you’re too hard on yourself—things you say or think or that you feel guilty or ashamed about. Burn the list and dispose of the ashes in the garbage outside your home.


Partnership is on your mind, Leo. Whether you’re ready to call in new romantic or business connections, the stars are aligning to bring helpful allies your way. The new moon moves through your seventh house of one-on-one connections and contracts. Now is the time to share your elevator pitch and reach out to someone you’ve had your eye on. Exciting news about a potential partnership may also arrive. The energy is optimistic and full of forward momentum. Charge ahead and don’t be afraid to ask for what you want.

Your new moon self-care practice: Bring someone to your mind’s eye with whom you hope to collaborate or a lover you want to manifest. Feel into what it feels like to be in their presence and to speak openly and freely about what you desire. Trust in divine timing and release!


You’re remembering that some of the smallest actions make the greatest impact, Virgo. The new moon lights up your sixth house of daily routines, habits, and health. There is no better time to redefine your rituals and routines. Release old habits that no longer serve you and send yourself forgiveness for not making a change sooner. This moon reminds you that beating yourself up over your past isn’t productive and that you deserve better.

Your new moon self-care practice: Tune into the things you usually take for granted. Watch the wind move through the trees when you’re outside, and feel the sun absorb deeply into your skin. Being grateful for the little things will put a lot in perspective.


Joy is in the air, Libra! The new moon activates your fifth house of pleasure, joy, romance, and fun. This is your yearly chance to reconnect with your inner child. What is your relationship to joy? Being present and grateful for what you have and who you are now is one of the greatest gifts. If you’re working on a creative project, you might be hit with inspiration. Or if love is a focus, this new moon could plant the seeds for a promising and exciting union. The more fun you have, the more magick will unfold.

Your new moon self-care practice: Your job this new moon is to be a kid again. Have some carefree fun. Climb a tree. Jump on a skateboard. Swing on a swing. Have fun for the sake of having fun.


Home is where the heart is, Scorpio, and how would you define your home? The new moon lights up your fourth house of family, ancestry, the past, and your residence. This lunation may signal a move or fresh start with family members, but it can also be a time of profound inner reflection. What parts of yourself are you ready to leave behind in the past? You may be feeling more private than you normally, so take all the time you need to focus on your inner world. Who and what makes you feel the most seen, comforted, and nurtured? Share yourself with those people or in those environments.

Your new moon self-care practice: Reach out to those you define as family, and tell them something you love about them. Nurture these connections and spend time honoring what makes them so unique and special.


Exciting news is on its way to you, Sagittarius! You may feel ready to invite more adventure and fun into your life as the new moon moves through your third house of communication, skills, learning, and environment. You may be learning a new skill, planning some travel, or simply allowing yourself to indulge in more play. This lunation also reminds you that self-expression and sharing your thoughts and feelings will lead to more abundance and fulfillment. Use your voice and speak your mind!

Your new moon self-care practice: Write a letter to a past version of yourself who was struggling. Get detailed and granular about everything you’re grateful for and the dreams you’ve accomplished. This will help you sink deeper into a gratitude practice and recognize how far you’ve come.


It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for, Capricorn—time to manifest more money! The new moon lands in your second house of income, resources, values, and self-worth. If you have money and work on your mind, this new moon could correspond with a raise, promotion, or making your feelings about both known. You may also be starting a new project or job. You’re also taking stock of your skills—you’ve worked hard to get where you are, so be kinder to yourself. It’s time to acknowledge your own value and worth.

Your new moon self-care practice: Time to treat yourself. There’s no need to spend excessively, but in a way that feels aligned, how can you indulge in some earthly pleasure? A massage? A towel warmer? A homemade meal? Comfort yourself—you deserve it.


Something about your environment is lighting you up in a new way, Aquarius. The new moon lands in your first house of identity and personal ambitions, inviting you to start fresh and redefine your personal goals and the way you present yourself to the world. Makeover, anyone? Exciting news or information may come your way, or perhaps you’re hit with a million-dollar idea. Your mind is fertile right now—explore your thoughts.

Your new moon self-care practice: Close your eyes, and envision your future self. What do they look like? What do they talk about? With whom do they surround themselves? What makes up their daily routine? Embody that version of you now. Try a timeline-jumping meditation, if you’re interested—you can make major leaps forward.


You’ve been sorting through the past more than normal, Pisces. The new moon activates your 12th house of solitude, rest, and closure. Now is a divine time to engage in some self-forgiveness and extend your trademark compassion to yourself. You are not defined by your past. If you’ve been spreading yourself too thin, it’s time to rest and release the FOMO. Spending time with a spiritual practice like meditation can also lead to solutions and breakthroughs during this time. Explore your subconscious.

Your new moon self-care practice: Write a list of your limiting beliefs. Go through each one and rewrite it in a positive way. Record yourself repeating these positive affirmations with the voice memo app on your phone. Listen to them before bed and when you first wake up in the morning.

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